23 March 2020

Looking backwards

Newspaper clippings A - Z challenge

2020 A-Z blog challenge badgeSo many stories of ancestors and relatives are mentioned in the newspapers of the past. During April 2020 for the A - Z blog challenge, I intend to list the types of stories or information I have found in newspapers with examples for each letter of the alphabet. My clippings will include a variety of articles about relatives of my children's ancestors on my husband's side of the family.

Most of my clippings come from either Australia's national treasure Trove or New Zealand's Papers Past. Both of these platforms are free to use. Trove's newspaper coverage extends from 1803 to 2015 and Papers Past has newspapers from 1839 to 1950.

Some clippings are from more recent years where I have visited libraries and genealogy societies and viewed their microfiche or even paper copies. Some have come from cousins and other family members. All these clippings add depth to my knowledge of times past and give some clues to the circumstances of our ancestors lives.

I came across this idea for a theme from last year's challenge when Laura from Old Trunk in the Attic revealed her theme. Now in 2020 while community activities are postponed due to the coronavirus outbreak, time at home is expanded and I prepare and write the posts. I hope you will enjoy these snippets of family history.

This post first appeared on earlieryears.blogspot.com by CRGalvin

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