3 March 2021

Spooky or interesting?

This week MyHeritage has released a new feature that brings animation to old photos. Here are my maternal gt. gt. grandparents, John O'Dea (1834 - 1922) and Maria Crowley (1841 - 1929). They met and married in South Australia after each had migrated from Ireland.

We do not have a date for this photo but estimate it may have been taken in the mid to late 1890s. A 1913 photo shows them looking much older than this.

First a comparison, the enhanced photo from the sepia tones to black and white.

Here the magic occurs. the animation tool brings their faces to life. You may need to press the play button twice for each animation to load.

John O'Dea

Maria Crowley (O'Dea)

What do you think?  Do we get to know them better through animation?

This post first appeared on earlieryears.blogspot.com by CRGalvin

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