31 March 2022

The Last Parcel

Long ago and far away

A standing joke in our family since 2001 has been the use of this wrapping paper and today finally sees the end of the roll.

The wrapping paper roll, many metres of it, was bought in our Paris days when I was constantly wrapping gifts to take to official functions or visits to other Defence Attaches' homes.

The roll returned to Australia with us in 2001 and has since wrapped presents for family members on birthdays and multiple other occasions. Snippets have also accompanied greeting cards when loved ones were too far away for posted presents.

So we come to the end of an era, the end of the roll, the last parcel has been wrapped in this paper.

This post first appeared on earlieryears.blogspot.com by CRGalvin


  1. Love this, so glad I'm not the only one that does these things... My Mum and I would wrap each other's gifts in the same paper year after year, mine first, then hers a few months later.. When she died, just before her birthday, I covered a photo album with that paper... That album is just for us.

  2. My Nana would recycle wrapping paper so we we told not to rip off the wrapping. She used to write our names directly onto the paper so you could never be sure if a gift under the tree really was for that person as it might be a name from a previous year. Paper got ironed if a bit crumpled. Thanks for bringing back the memory.


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