29 August 2022

Celebrate Family History


A fourth blog post for the month of August 2022 as I participate in Alex's challenge to celebrate National Family History Month held annually in Australia in the month of August.

Week 4 - Celebrate - tell us what you've achieved this month. What talk did you attend during #NationalFamilyHistoryMonth that you thought was brilliant or tell us about the discoveries you made? 

Celebrate - to do something special, to commemorate an event or occasion

I celebrate the fact that my ancestors made their long arduous journeys to this land and commemorate those occasions where I find evidence of  their lives here. I participate in the enjoyable pursuit of family history to enrich my own life and record stories of our forbears for my children's children.

It is fitting then to reflect on some family history events during the past month. So in no particular order a few things I have done this month :-
  • Watched the inspiring  Opening ceremony talk given by Larissa Behrendt
  • Attended the webinar Using State Records Online - South Australia
  • Thoroughly enjoyed the Society of Australian Genealogist's inspiring session Do SOMETHING with your family history!
  • Written 2 family history stories An August Gentleman and From Shank's Pony to Airy Heights
  • Shared some tips for scanning and labelling photos
  • Presented a Zoom session for my local genealogy group on Free Texts: Internet Archive and JSTOR for family history
  • Presented a session for our volunteers on Finding and Saving photos from our Cooroy Rag photo collection
  • Attended an excellent session presented by Shauna Hicks in our local Noosaville library entitled Why can't I find it?
  • Designed a business card for our local group and updated our new brochure with a QR code 
  • Worked on rescanning old photos in our family collections
There is always more to do, that's the joy of family history. We look for it, learn about it and learn from it. 

Celebrate family history!

This post first appeared on earlieryears.blogspot.com by CRGalvin


  1. Wow! That sounds like such a productive month Carmel. Way to go! I'm off to look at your tips for scanning and labelling photos which I think is my next major task :)

    1. Possibly not as productive as yours, lots of procrastination happens!

  2. We use QR codes for work to help customers get to the website so I was just thinking recently Caloundra FH could make use of them. On the back of business cards works too.

    1. Indeed, just checked and I did add it to the back of the business card too. 😀


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