7 April 2020

Functions and Final Farewells

So many stories of ancestors and relatives are mentioned in the newspapers of the past. During April 2020 for the A - Z blog challenge, I am listing the types of stories or information I have found in newspapers with examples for each letter of the alphabet. My clippings include a variety of articles about my children's ancestors.and their relatives.

Many Funeral notices provide the date and place of burial  providing the clue for searching cemeteries for headstones. They may also provide clues as to who may be related to the deceased person.
Fundraising lists acknowledging donors were often published in the papers providing clues to what were the popular causes of the time. The amount donated may have been indicative of the financial means of the donor.
Farewells can provide a reason for a person or family leaving a place or district and their ultimate  destination. Farewells to soldiers signal their involvement in military service and then records can be pursued through archives.


Cornelius Gothard was well renowned for holding functions at his hotel in Whangaroa, New Zealand.  These functions were detailed in this obituary which was published in 1918. I understand that the 'Kapa Maoris' referred to here is the method of cooking food covered with hot stones more commonly known as a Hangi. He had an excellent method for dealing with drunkenness.

Observer, Volume XXXIX, Issue 12, 23 November 1918, Page 4 https://paperspast.natlib.govt.nz/newspapers/TO19181123.2.8

Cornelius Gothard is a 3 x gt grandfather of my children -
Cornelius Gothard m Lucy Eliza Pickford

Maud Gothard m Charles Edward Stirling

Gordon Wallace Stirling m Louisa May Lawson

Phyllis Yvonne Stirling m. John Dominic Galvin (children's paternal grandparents)

Cornelius lost his first wife Lucy Eliza James in 1877. She had arrived in Tasmania in 1855 at age 9 with her parents. By age 17 in December of 1863 she had married Jacob Pickford in Tasmania. Six years later she married Cornelius in New Zealand but the marriage was cut short by her death.
Grey River Argus, Volume XXI, Issue 2791, 24 July 1877, Page 2

 The Funeral a Final Farewell

Next up G - A Gentleman's Guarantee

 This post first appeared on earlieryears.blogspot.com by CRGalvin


  1. Interesting combination of clips. I also had an ancestor in the Oddfellows. Would love to know the details of their funeral ceremony.

  2. Nothing like a bit of peer pressure :) I agree that fundraising articles can reveal clues about our families.


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