18 April 2020

Photos from the newspapers

So many stories of ancestors and relatives are mentioned in the newspapers of the past. During April 2020 for the A - Z blog challenge, I am listing the types of stories or information I have found in newspapers with examples for each letter of the alphabet. My clippings include a variety of articles about relatives of my children's ancestors.

In the 1800s many Passenger lists were published in the newspapers as the ships arrived in port. In Trove I have found many Probate notices and Property transactions. Reports of school or church Picnics list the races and activities of the day. Sometimes one may be lucky enough to find some photos in the newspapers. This post showcases a few of the Galvin Photos found.

1927 John Patrick Galvin

1935 John Michael Galvin 

1935 'Secret Streamlined Engine: Aboriginal, Visitors: Enginemen In Conference',
The Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1931 - 1954), 14 May, p. 20. , viewed 16 Apr 2020,

DELEGATES to Locomotive Enginemen's Conference were entertained by Lord Mayor (Mr. Cain) yesterday. From left (sitting)—Messsrs. H. J. George (S-A.), H. H. Styant (W.A.), S. E. C Gay (S.A.), J. M. Galvin (V.), A. S. Drakeford, M.E. R. (V.). and Mr. Cain.
Standing— Messrs.E. Barton (N.S.W.), R. Matheson (V.), J. M, Wallace (T-), J. C. Valentine (Q.) V. T. Compassi (Fed.)

1952 'Upset unions',
Barrier Miner (Broken Hill, NSW : 1888 - 1954), 18 January, p. 1.

1952 Kathleen Mary Galvin

The Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957),
 25 February, p. 8.  http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article2316487
Mr and Mrs Francis Mercovich cut the cake after their marriage at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Thornbury. The bride was Kathleen Mary, daughter of Conciliation Commissioner J. M. Galvin and Mrs Galvin.

1953 Grace Walmsley Payne (Galvin)

1953 'Liked Qld courtesy',
Sunday Mail (Brisbane, Qld. : 1926 - 1954), 18 January, p. 8. ,
Liked Qld courtesy  - Finishes holiday

Homeward-bound to day after a week's stay in Brisbane is Mrs. J. M. Galvin, wife of Federal Conciliation Commissioner Galvin. Mrs. Galvin who comes from Melbourne, is honorary secretary of the Victorian Association of  Benevolent Societies. She has also helped to raise big sums of money for Melbourne hospitals.
 'We have no lottery down there to help out the hospitals,' she said last night. 
Her main impression of Brisbane was the courtesy of its people — 'they are much- more courteous than in the south,' she said.

John Dominic and Phyllis Yvonne Galvin

The Loxton News c. 1970 - from family collection, no date. Caption under clipping reads:

The A.D.F.A. [ed. Australian Dried Fruits Association] invited Mr Ken Gully of Wollingborough, U.K., the buyer for Whitworth's, England's largest dried fruit importing firm, to be their guest. Mr Gully accompanied by his wife, visited Loxton last week and was entertained at lunch by local representatives of  the A.D.F.A.  In this picture from left are Mr and Mrs J McKay, Mr and Mrs Gully, Mr Ron Jones and Mr and Mrs John Galvin.

1978 Gerard Patrick Galvin

Northern Territory News 20 Oct. 1978, p 6

These Photos may not be good quality but they are wonderful to find in old newspapers.


  1. I just found a photo of my great-great-grandfather in an old newspaper :) Such an exciting discovery!

    The Multicolored Diary

    1. Excellent news, good luck with further searching.

  2. That's quite a haul. Do you limit your searches to images or the photos you find just serendipitous results?

    1. Mostly serendipitous, but with J M Galvin, post yet to come in U, I limited the search to illustrated.

  3. I love finding wedding photos in the newspapers. But it’s frustrating when the illustrated options lead you to an irrelevant picture, unrelated to “your” story.


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