10 April 2019

Icing on the cake

These recipes are in my mother's handwriting and are housed in a battered, blue plastic folder. They are transcribed here as part of the A-Z Challenge 2019. Each day in April a new letter of the alphabet and accompanying recipes are posted.


Cakes and biscuits often require a variety of icing to provide that finishing touch. Here are some of those finishing touches. 

Frosted Topping

Frosted topping

Beat tog[ether]
3 cups icing sugar
60 gr margarine (plus)
2 teaspoons lemon juice (plus)
1 teaspoon [finely grated] lemon rind
Almond essence
Apply to cake with fork

This amount has been halved in the column to the left of the recipe. I think the reference to the fork at the end means apply the frosting than decorate with a fork, do not expect this to provide a smooth surface. The next one is a glaze, a smooth finish.
Glaze for chocolate cake

Glaze for Chocolate Cake

150 gr dk chocolate
3 teaspoons honey
60 gr unsalted butter

Unwritten but understood, melt ingredients together and while still warm, ice the cake.
The last one is labelled Brown icing, I'm not sure whether this was for cakes or biscuits.
Brown Icing

Brown Icing

Cream 2 tablespoons brown sugar with 1 tablesp. butter
Add icing sugar and milk

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