17 April 2019

Orange Cake

These recipes are in my mother's handwriting and are housed in a battered, blue plastic folder. They are transcribed here as part of the A-Z Challenge 2019. Each day in April a new letter of the alphabet and accompanying recipes are posted.


In the orchard of fruit trees near the farm house, there were several orange trees. Whether they were the big juicy Navels or the smaller Valencias, my mother relished those delicious fruits. This recipe has a smalll amount of orange rind added to the cake batter, but it was in the icing that one tasted the full orange flavour. Use icing sugar with a small amount of melted butter and milk, then add finely grated orange rind. This adds tang to the cake.

Orange Cake

2 eggs
4 ozs butter
¾ cup caster sugar
½ cup milk
1½ cups SR Flour
1 tablespoon grated orange rind

Combine all ingredients and beat for 3 mins.
Bake in 8 in. ring tin or 2 log tins.
Mod[erate] oven 30 -35 mins.

1 comment:

  1. It would be interesting to compare some of these old recipes to equivalent ones today.


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