13 April 2019

Lovely Lemon

These recipes are in my mother's handwriting and are housed in a battered, blue plastic folder. They are transcribed here as part of the A-Z Challenge 2019. Each day in April a new letter of the alphabet and accompanying recipes are posted.

Lemon Tart

Lemon tart filling
Lemon Tart filling
 Lemon Tart Filling

Beat together

  • 3 egg yolks
  • juice of 1 lemon & grated rind
  • 1 cup honey
  • 1 dessertspoon melted butter
  • 1 tablespoon cornflour

Place in uncooked flan and cook [bake] for 20 - 30 mins.

Then top with:-
3 egg whites stiffly beaten then gradually add 1 teaspoon lemon rind and 3 tablespoons honey

Place on top of cooked tart, and leave in oven about another 10 minutes
(until lightly browned)

Lemon cordial

lemon orange cordial
Lemon or Orange cordial
Lemon - Orange Cordial

6 Lemons or Oranges juiced and grated rind of 3

5 cups sugar

5 cups boiling water

1 oz citric acid

1 tablespoon (flat) Epsom Salts

Pour boiling watter over the sugar and rind.

Add other ingredients and strain when cold.


Lemon Spread

This one was titled Lemon Cheese otherwise known as Lemon Butter or Lemon spread. Store in the refrigerator but I guarantee it won't last for long as you are tempted back again and again for more.

Lemon cheese
3 eggs
2 ozs butter
½ lb sugar
2 lemons
Beat tog. - sugar, butter, yolk of 2 eggs and the whites of 2, juice of 2 lemons, [finely grated] rind of 1
Stir over low heat until it thickens.

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