26 April 2019


Orange and Walnut slice

These recipes are in my mother's handwriting and are housed in a battered, blue plastic folder. They are transcribed here as part of the A-Z Challenge 2019. Each day in April a new letter of the alphabet and accompanying recipes are posted.

Fresh walnuts from the tree in our yard were valued and carefully cracked trying to avoid splitting the walnut halves. The emptied halves too were tools for imaginative play - stuffed with a little cotton wool for a fairy's bed or a gumnut baby. I suspect broken walnuts were used in this recipe and in later years those purchased in packets.

Orange and walnut slice

1 pkt Marie Biscuits (crushed)
4 ozs Butter
⅓ cup condensed milk
½ cup walnuts
Grated orange rind

Melt butter & cond. milk and pour over dry ingredients

Mix well and press into biscuit tray

Ice with icing sugar and orange juice

This post first appeared on earlieryears.blogspot.com by CRGalvin

1 comment:

  1. I am a new blogger and just discovered your site. Just yesterday, we were left with 8 boxes of my late mother-in-law's memorabilia. Looking at your old pictures is inspiring some post ideas of my own!


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