18 April 2019

Pasty, Potato Pancakes and Peppermint slice

Pleased to have found some Ps

These recipes are in my mother's handwriting and are housed in a battered, blue plastic folder. They are transcribed here as part of the A-Z Challenge 2019. Each day in April a new letter of the alphabet and accompanying recipes are posted.
This recipe was designed to feed a large family. My mother sometimes baked it in the roasting dish, rather than make individual pasties.
Pasty Slice

Line a large oblong dish or lamington tray with pastry.
Then prepare 1 packet of thick vegetable soup with 2 cups of water.

Place 500 grams mince meat and ½ cup of breadcrumbs into a bowl and add the cooked soup. Mix well.

Put mixture into the uncooked pastry case and sprinkle with parsley.

Cover with pastry and glaze with milk.

Bake at 350° for 1 hour.

We did not live anywhere near a fish and chip shop, so home made hot chips (French fries) or potato pancakes were a treat.
Potato Pancakes

4 lge Potatoes
2 eggs
2 tablespoons S.R. Flour
1 med. sized onion - Salt

Grate raw potatoes and onion
Add beaten eggs and flour
Mix well & fry till golden

Something sweet to finish this post.
Peppermint Malties

1 pkt Malt Biscuits
1 pkt Crown Mints
¾ tin Condensed Milk
1 teaspoon Brandy

Crush biscuits and peppermints finely
Combine with cond[ensed] milk and brandy
Roll into a roll in greaseproof paper
Cover in coconut.
Chill and when firm cut in slices.


  1. I’ve been peeking at your recipies all month, at least when I have an internet connection. They definitely hark back to an earlier era, and I can remember my mom making some things similar to many of these. It’s a great project!

    1. Thanks for dropping by, glad you are enjoying it. Your hiking experiences in NZ look amazing!

  2. I’m not sure what malt biscuits are? Sound interesting! Mom left you treasures! https://everyonehasafamilystorytotell.wordpress.com/


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